transactions – Bitcoin not confirmed by recipient


If the recipient claims they have not received money they either don’t sufficiently understand Bitcoin or are lying to you.

A blockchain explorer shows for address 3Hcu6jtGzFc6YoLCufAZxtys1PTe5qZYvZ

  • Sent Confirmed 0.01120678BTC Jan 21, 2024, 11:17 PMUTC
    Transaction hash: 362527aad4dacfffa4deb57ec7c1f26b5d07591101d92c6303782bb013b40143
  • Received Confirmed 0.01120678BTC Jan 21, 2024, 10:10 PMUTC
    Transaction Hash: 3da769d5ccaf10395650ded0560734fe79f0f1bdf99d65f2e58e3cbb8eedda99

This by itself is proof they received that amount of money and spent it an hour later.

In the Bitcoin network, you can’t spend money which you haven’t received. This is evidence of incompetence or malice on the part of the receiver.

The recipient of a Bitcoin transaction plays no part in the receipt of bitcoin. They can receive money even if their wallet is offline or destroyed.

They can subsequently access the money by, if necessary, recreating a destroyed/lost/paper wallet by installing wallet software and using a recovery phrase or opening a backup file or importing a private key.

Wallets don’t contain money, they check the blockchain to see how much money has been received at addresses they have control over.

Every wallet either has their own copy of the blockchain or access to a copy.

If the blockchain has a record of the transaction, the recipient has control of the money and no one else does.


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